If you or someone you love needs mobility assistance…
Be sure to read this page regarding mobility as well as our page that covers ADA/OPDMD compliance to better understand how the EMU Trike® can meet the needs of you or someone that you love.

Medicare and Social Security disability tends to pay for devices that are used primarily in the home, such as a motorized or non-motorized walker and wheelchair. Therefore, if you apply for assistance or reimbursement for an EMU Trike® be sure to let them know you will be using your scooter both indoors and outdoors.
Will my insurance pay for my EMU Trike®?
It’s one of the most common questions we get from a prospective customer. And there really is no simple answer because insurance laws and insurance company policies change daily. Some insurance companies will surprise you and pay for your scooter, some will not.
The good news is that we have had some customers who’ve experienced success in receiving full or partial reimbursements from their private insurance company. We ALWAYS encourage our customers to apply for reimbursement as soon as possible. It can’t hurt to ask, right? But it sure does help to know HOW to ask. And this is where we can help…

Most insurance and grant providers would prefer to pay the scooter dealer directly, however if you have already purchased your EMU Trike®, it wouldn’t hurt to ask for help via a full or partial reimbursement.
Navigating a complex reimbursement network.
Outside of insurance reimbursement the most overlooked form of reimbursement would be grants provided by your particular disabilities’ society. Think about all of the fundraising walks, runs and biking events that are hosted each weekend all over the country. Where do those funds go? Some of it goes to clinical research, some of it goes to administrative cost and some of it goes to…grants! So why not visit the website of your local chapter’s organization and do a bit of research. You can also call them or email them to see if you can benefit from a grant to help you achieve your mobility needs with a new ADA compliant mobility scooter. You will find them more than helpful. Hint: All though there is never a ‘bad’ time to ask for help, there is always more money available right after fundraising efforts than at the end of a fundraising year.
Research your organization’s qualification process and application procedures before doing anything. Many organizations have certain financial guidelines for you to meet to qualify for a grant. For example, some organizations would prefer to pay the scooter supplier directly, rather than the consumer. They may also request to see a copy of a tax return to determine if you are truly in need of such financial assistance. Each organization will do things a bit differently.
Rich supports the MS Society by participating in its fundraising events and therefore has some great advice for those with MS who are at the point where they are in need of an electric powered mobility unit.
Below you will see Rich’s step-by-step recommendations for applying for a grant with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS).
If your mobility is caused by something other than MS, these steps can still be a helpful guide. Be sure to contact the local chapter of your particular disability to find out how you can apply for a grant with that society’s organization.


- A written receipt from American Scooter Company (if you’ve already purchased your trike)
- A Medical Claim Form from your provider
- A Script for a mobility scooter
- A Letter of Medical Necessity
- A confirmed MS diagnoses from your MS doctor
You may need to call your provider to confirm the documents you will need and while speaking with them, ask what their history shows in regard to covering the cost of mobility units. You may be surprised!
2. Once you mail your provider the above documents, follow up with a phone call and ask when you can expect a reply. Your provider may cover some or all of the cost. Or they may deny your request all together. If they DO cover all of the cost, there is no need to move on to step 3.
3. Go to the National MS website (www.NMSS.org) and download the grant form. While there, be sure to read everything they have posted in regard to applying for a grant. If you cannot find the form, call your local chapter and they will be happy to email one directly to you. Note: Be sure to get a name of someone at the NMSS that you can follow up with regarding the status of your application.
4. The NMSS grant application will likely ask you to provide the following documents from your doctor:
- A letter of Medical Necessity
- A confirmation of your MS diagnosis
- A script for a mobility scooter
- A copy of your insurance provider’s denial or partial payment letter.
If you did received partial reimbursement/payment from your provider, you can apply for the balance from the NMSS.
If you received a rejection letter from your provider, you can apply for the full cost of the scooter.
There is typically a ceiling on how much you can receive, usually around $1500.00. You can always ask about the maximum amount allowed when you call NMSS.
NOTE: The application will also ask you how much you can personally afford to pay towards your scooter. Be honest so that others who are in need may also benefit through a grant of their own.
5. Mail everything to NMSS and if you have not heard anything within two weeks, be sure to follow up with your contact via telephone or email. If approved, you should get a letter in the mail confirming the dollar amount of assistance you will receive along with instructions about how to move forward. If denied, you will receive a letter explaining the reason for denial. If this is the case, you can call and ask for clarification as to why your request for assistance was denied. The NMSS is there for you and certainly wants to help as many MS sufferers as possible.
Why choose the EMU Trike®M over other mobility scooters?
The EMU Trike® = Being seen and seeing further.

It isn’t just the affordability of the EMU Trike® that makes it the ideal mobility unit. It’s also the design.
Notice how the seating position is higher on the EMU Trike® when compared to the traditional mobility scooter shown next to it.
When seated higher you can see further ahead and often – even OVER the heads of others! But just as importantly, other people can see YOU better too!
If you already use a traditional (low profile) mobility scooter, ask yourself how many times people have almost tripped over you because they didn’t see you when you were right in front of them.
Also, for someone who has bad hips or knees, this height can make a world of difference when getting on and off the mobility unit.
The EMU Trike® = Helping you to see eye-to-eye.
As you can see from the image to the right, when sitting on the EMU Trike® you can be pretty much at eye level with someone who is standing beside you.
Many of our EMU customers love the fact that they no longer feel ‘left-out’ when in a group conversation like they did when they were using the traditional (low profile) mobility unit.
One customer commented, “Not only do I no longer have to stretch my neck to look up at others when talking, but I no longer have to feel others looking down at me.”
This is one reason why we can say with confidence that the EMU Trike® helps others to rediscover “Mobility with Dignity”.

EMU Trike® = Mobility with Dignity.
When you look at the pictures of our customers on their EMU’s, you’ll see that they all look like they are having fun. That’s because they ARE having fun!
You will find that the EMU Trike® turns people’s heads – in a good way. People will WANT to be riding your EMU. (Don’t be surprised when they ask you to let them try it!) Has anyone ever asked to ride your traditional mobility scooter or wheelchair?
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